
Man Arrested for Making Mass Shooting Threats on Internet

Man Arrested for Making Mass Shooting Threats on Internet

Jamesville Man Arrested for Making Terroristic Threats on Discord

On Saturday, March 11, at 1:39 p.m., Manlius police began investigating a series of Discord posts allegedly made by Zachary Mullen, a 20-year-old male user from Jamesville.

The posts contained threats of a mass shooting at the Tops, prompting the police to execute a search warrant on Mullen’s house. During the search, guns, and ammunition were discovered, leading to his arrest for Making a Terroristic Threat, a class D Felony.

In addition to the arrest, an Extreme Risk Order of Protection (ERPO) was granted and issued to Mullen, prohibiting him from owning or possessing any guns.

Details of the Arrest and Search Warrant

The police also seized all of his weapons, ensuring that there is no threat to the community. Onondaga County District Attorney William Fitzpatrick expressed his concerns over the selection of the site and the racial threats that were made. Mullen has since been arraigned and released.

This incident highlights the seriousness of making threats online and the need for swift action to prevent potential harm. Manlius police acted quickly to investigate and apprehend Mullen, ensuring the safety of the community.

The use of an ERPO and seizure of all weapons also demonstrate the proactive measures that can be taken to prevent future incidents.


#MassShooting #Threats #TerroristicThreats #JamesvilleArrest #OnlineSafety #ERPO #GunSeizure #BreakingNews



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