Shooting at Dunbar High School Football Game in Baltimore, Maryland

Shooting Disrupts Dunbar High School Football Game in Baltimore

A heartbreaking incident shatters the peace at a Dunbar High School football game in Baltimore, Maryland, as a shooting unfolds, causing chaos and panic among players and spectators.

Amid the turmoil, an 11-year-old is injured and promptly taken to a hospital, with authorities reporting the injuries as non-life-threatening. The search for the suspect intensifies as the community grapples with this unfortunate event.

An 11-Year-Old Victim, Suspect Remains on the Loose

As investigations continue and the search for the suspect persists, staying informed about developments is essential for community safety.


#Shooting #DunbarHighSchool #FootballGame #SuspectAtLarge #LIVE

Editor: Leon D. Crane

Editor: Leon D. Crane

Crafting compelling stories and delivering impactful content. A wordsmith by trade, a storyteller at heart. Embracing the art of journalism. #Writer #Journalism

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